Nov 15, 2017


What can go wrong with accepting an invitation for lunch? I mean, for us, humans. We had been invited for a fabulous lunch over at my aunt's residence. We had just started eagerly stepping out of the house attending some courtesy and personal calls after all the illnesses, while still settling down in this new house.

My aunt is a wonderful chef. The lunch and the following family get together was wonderful. Post that we stopped over at my sister in law's house to meet the family there and get some exercise into our kids, with their cousins. The day had been great.

We returned home, and while unlocking the front door, I felt that something was not quite right! The telltale plantain peal and a couple of peanut shells, right next to our gate were unmissable. My mind went to those numerous times my mother had taught me to avoid stepping on these kind of items on the road, lest they carry some mantras for bad luck, thrown by desperate persons, so that their own bad lucks could be transferred to another person, with whom he may not be concerned.

However, the items on the floor were too unimpressive to be used for witchcraft. I realized then, that we had been Goldilocked!!! By monkeys! I called Hubby to leave the kids in the car, come inside the house and check if there was still any monkey stuck in the house. What if one of them had chosen to try out our beds, and fell asleep there itself...(?) and what if it is T's or S's bed?! After Hubby declared that the coast was clear, I got the kids and myself in.

With the kids put comfortably on their beds, we both took stock of all items that had been misplaced while the party was on. A couple plantains, 4 pears and a good load of peanuts had been consumed and carried away. A few slices of bread had been touched too. We swept the floor and disinfected the counter tops, though we couldn't help admiring the fact that the monkeys had not knocked down anything else. All glass and ceramics had been spared, the taps had not been opened and even chocolates had been untouched. But of course, monkeys are smart not to foray into junk food trucks..

(S loves this spread that I drew. He just loves seeing each monkey for what he is doing. I drew one of these with a bottle in his hand, and whenever he sees this, I have to answer about where he must have gotten the bottle from, since we don't consume beer or any other thing that would require a bottle)

Nov 8, 2017

The Scary Portrait

The Scary Portrait

A Scary Portrait..
From JKPP..
This, for me, is the scariest stage in a painting project - this midway painting with weird colours all over. It makes me doubt whether I'm going to do the right thing. And sometimes - well usually - makes me want to leave this here and restart. It is the fear of crossing this stage that stops me even before I start. I've noticed though, that if I continue painting, and ignore the feeling (for probably a couple of hours or even couple of days while I'm still working on the painting), the result is good.

It is the art of ignoring the inner monkey, that I need to learn!
Time for a break...

Sep 5, 2017

Starting on the Right Foot

Starting on the Right Foot
This time, I've learnt it.. that there's no point in waiting for our days to get better. There's no needs to say things like, "When we get well..." and waiting for sunny days.

Since July, for the third consecutive month, un-wellness has forced its presence on the forefront of our conscious! It's been stomach flu, it's been high fevers, it's been viral infections, body aches, it's been sprains, back aches, it's been mouth ulcers, tonsilitis, regular cold and flu, dermatitis, dengue.. We've been to many places with respect to that!

And now, this. I've again sprained my right foot, even when the foot rigidity due to viral arthritis - is that what it is being called(?) - doesn't seem to be decelerating! Sleepless night!! Unfinished house works! Unscheduled daytimes! And no way of getting back to exercising...

Mar 21, 2017

Creeper in Thrissur


A old one here..
110 gsm sketchbook
Pen and ink