I'll tell you the conversation inside my head before, during and after this sketch...
-- Now, before I start with my actual work, I think I should warm up..
-- Hmm, let me try out some simple portrait.. Let's go through Julia Kay's page
-- Whichever would be the first photo there, I'm gonna draw that...
And I opened up the discussion page - and the first one was Goat...'s.. I went through the page, thanking somewhat for the one sort-of monochrome photographs - half light half shadow one. Many good portraits, people had sketched of him...
-- Cool, let me try this one...
-- hmm, let me not use the pencil this time.. Something different - let's pick up a ballpoint pen..
After the eyes
-- Wow, this one should be cool... He has selected such a good picture of himself for the portrait
After the nose
-- I guess I should've stuck to pencil - would have been easier to shade on with...
After some more time
-- I guess I should have taken a more normal photograph! This is supposed to be a warm up sketch, damn!!!
After some more time
-- I hope I don't run out of ink!
After still more time
-- I can hear my pen moan..
After the pic got done
-- Ooops! I can hear Tanush - he's up!! So much for a warm up sketch before I get to start on my actual work!!! Now here goes today's productivity!!!
But, I am happy with the sketch!!