Aug 23, 2009

My own Giraffe

I was goint through my EDM mails, and I came across Grobuonis' blog about 1 million giraffes.. Well, Grobounis had come across this site where this person has a bet that he'll collect 1 million giraffes in two years and Grobuonis had made a lot of giraffes in funky shapes and sizes and ideas for that.. They were lovely to say the least, and definitely inspriring!!

I closed my computer thinking - if only I get some time.. My drawing has come to an almost halt these days. I used to write a diary, and after Tanush came along, I have converted that to a visual journal, where I jot down main points of the day, and then draw a picture that's somewhere right in front of me.. I paint that picture the next day, or after a month.. I really have no time for imagination and creativity right now!! Or do we need time for that?
I was walking towards the kitchen, and there it was... My raw material for my giraffe.. And see what I created and sent!!

1 comment:

PS said...

Brilliant.... :)